As a tour guide over the past seven years, I’ve traveled extensively in Canada. From sea to sea to sea and nearly everything in between. This is especially true when I include all the exploration I’ve done on my own, with my wife and with friends.
While leading these tours, I take loads of photos and gather stories about the people and places we visit.
Once back home, I love creating illustrated presentations with commentary based on the adventures of my guests and I and then presenting them to audiences of all kinds.
For the past five years or so, my primary audience has been residents in several retirement properties within the Greater Victoria Region, including: Amica Somerset, Berwick Royal Oak, Berwick Housem Carlton House of Oak Bay, Kensington The Cumberland, Parkwood Place, and Ross Place. I’ve also had the joy of giving presentations to middle and high school students.
I bring to my presentations a geographer’s perspective. In particular, I’m fascinated by the inter-relationship between our species and the planet and other living beings. Although I’m a naturalist at heart, I also have a keen interest in human history.
Another thing I’m passionate about is story-telling. In my presentations, as with the tours I lead, I like to hang my commentary on a central narrative, the grand story if you will, which gives context and meaning to sites visited or wildlife observed.
Here are some of my presentations:
- Journey to the Arctic;
- Arches National Park
- Rome and Abruzzo National Park
- National Parks of the American Southwest
- Haida Gwaii and Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
- Newfoundland
- Spring Wildflowers of the Greater Victoria Region
- Great Bear Rainforest
- Badlands of Alberta
- Stepping Back in Time: Victoria Pre-Contact to 1880
- The Joys of Birdwatching
- Northern British Columbia
- Caribbean
If you’re looking for an entertaining and educational presenter on topics related to natural and cultural history of Greater Victoria, British Columbia or Canada or if you would like to learn more about any of the above topics, I’d be delighted to hear from you. No matter where you’re from, thanks to Zoom or similar video-conferencing technology.
My presenter’s fees are negotiable.
“Rick Searle’s presentations have added incredible value to our Recreation Choices.
Rick’s extensive experience and knowledge in the field, as well as his very own photography of spectacular locations like the Great Bear Rainforest and Alaska, lend to incredibly detailed, educational presentations for our residents. He brings humour and fun to the lectures and is always sure to engage and interact with our residents.
I have been lucky enough to be the driver for a few of his local bus tours as well, sharing his knowledge of our beautiful city. I learned much more than I ever knew about Victoria’s local history!
He has also been incredibly flexible and willing to be creative with the way he delivers his programs in the new world we currently live in.
I would highly recommend Rick’s presentations – virtual or in-person!” – Marlie Philp, Director of Recreation, Parkwood Place, Sept. 2020